Put an end to the Peruvian killers of dolphins and sharks!

In more recent news, Peruvian fisherman have been shown up as inhumane monsters as they slaughter countless numbers of dolphins to use as shark bait. It is important to mention that the act of massacuring dolphins to attract and kill sharks is illegal, as both species are protected due to the fact they are now an endangered species. 

Furthermore, it is estimated that up to 10,000 dolphins and sharks are killed each year, and so if this is to continue for the next decade our oceans will become very sparse with life, and soon enough these endangered species will hastily become extinct. I will not let this happen. If you're an animal lover like me, then I know that you won't either. I aim to reach a total of 10,000 signatures, and with this I believe we can all make a difference by bringing our oceans back to life.

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