Tell Russian tattoo artist not to tattoo animals

  • av: Anna T
  • mottagare: VITA Animal Rights Center, a Russian animal activist organization

This tattoo artist was already infamous for tattooing his sphynx cat a couple of years ago. Now he strikes again by giving FOUR tattoos to another cat.

Sphynx cats are naturally fragile due to their lack of hair. And this kind of acts can be the beginning of an era where people regularly give tattoos to their animals for their selfish pleasure.

Imagine someone giving a tattoo on a kid? That's the same but no one is here to protect this cat. VITA should be alerted and take legal actions in Russia to ensure that this guy is fined and the whole act of tattooing an animal is forbidden.

Hello people at VITA Organization.

It came to our ears that a Russian tattoo maker recently got hired to give four tattoos to an innocent cat. We think this practice should be punished by authorities, treated as animal abuse and completely forbidden.

Considering your organization acts for animals in Russia, I guess that you are the best support we can get in fighting this possible new trend.


Anna T.

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