End the Cruel Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race

  • av: Laura G
  • mottagare: Iditarod Trail Committee

During the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race held every March, sled dogs tethered together are forced to run 100 miles a day, for nine to 14 days, along a grueling trail in subfreezing weather.

At least 146 dogs have died since the first Iditarod was held in 1973. At least one dog has died in nearly every race since then. Among the horrific causes of death are strangulation in towlines and internal hemorrhaging after being gouged by a sled. Some dogs have been kicked or bludgeoned to death by mushers.

The purpose of the Iditarod is to celebrate Alaskan culture, but it is actually condoning animal abuse.

The cruel sport of sled dog racing has been banned in some U.S. states. It's time for Alaska to end the Iditarod.

Dear Iditarod Trail Committee Members,

It is time to end the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. While its purpose is to celebrate Alaskan culture, the race is actually condoning animal abuse.

It is inhumane to force dogs to run hundreds of miles along a grueling course in subfreezing weather. More than 146 racing sled dogs have died since the first Iditarod. Please stop the abuse and make this the last year of this cruel race.


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