Demand Gov. Hochul reject the slaughter of Southold deer

    The deer in the Town of Southold on the East End of Long Island, New York, are facing an urgent deadline. A bill is now awaiting Governor Hochul's signature which would amend present law to permit hunters to bait deer and then kill them with the goal of killing as many deer as possible. This new program is euphemistically called the "Pilot Deer Management Program." It purports to provide a "safe, humane means of deer control". There is nothing humane about this indiscriminate slaughter.

    I ask Governor Hochul to REJECT A.5542A/S.4804A.

    Instead, I advocate for funding in the State Budget to support Lyme Disease and other tick-borne related research,education and prevention efforts. Solutions include the implementation of 4-Poster Deer Self Treatment Devices as a component of an integrated tick management program instead of lethal, inhumane persecution of deer.

    We must move away from primitive solutions to more science-based, 21st century thinking. Please halt this 'Pilot Deer Slaughter Program' in Southold Town.

    "Deer with snow on nose" by U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

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