Justice for Trans Migrants in Quebec: Pass Bill 895

  • av: AGIR
  • mottagare: Government of Quebec, Canada, Canada
AGIR logoJustice for trans migrants! YES to legal recognition!

"I'm embarrassed and worried every time I have to show my identity documents. I never know if services that I need will be accepted or refused — or if the person who is seeing my identity documents will be transphobic and violent. I've had to fight to survive my entire life in my country of origin. In coming to Quebec, I never thought that I would have to fight to survive here too." - trans migrant woman

To this day, the Quebec government does not allow trans migrants (i.e. permanent residents, refugee claimants, protected persons, international students, temporary workers, etc.) to change their gender marker and name on identity documents (ID). In fact, it is the ONLY province in Canada that requires trans migrants to be Canadian citizens to legally change their sex designation and name.

After over a year of mobilizing by trans migrants, an opposition government party submitted bill 895 on May 17th in the Quebec legislature so that trans migrants living in Quebec would be able to change their sex designation and name. We must make our voices heard so the Quebec legislature knows it needs to pass this crucial bill!

Action LGBTQ avec les immigrantes et les réfugiés (AGIR), with the endorsement of Arc-en-ciel d’Afrique, Action santé travesti(e)s et transsexuel(le)s du Québec (ASTT(e)Q), Centre for Gender Advocacy, Center for research-action on race relations (CRARR), Conseil LGBT, Fédération des Femmes du Québec (FFQ), Head & Hands, Paroles de femmes, QPIRG-McGill, Solidarity Across Borders (SAB) denounces that the Quebec government still has not changed the law to allow trans migrants to change their gender marker and name.

We urge the Quebec government pass Bill 895 during this upcoming fall session! There will be more campaign actions in the months leading up to Montreal PRIDE and into this fall.

To view full press release please go to: http://www.agirmontreal.org/press-release

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