Fire 300 Pound Officer Who Fatally Shot 12 Pound Jack Russell Terrier!

A 300-pound police officer shot a 12-pound Jack Russell terrier named Patches who ran barking at him during a probation check. The dog's owner Cherry Shelton told him that the dog didn't bite, but the officer claimed he "feared for his life." After being shot, the dog went to the side of the house and passed away 30 minutes later. Shelton is devastated by the loss.

The probation officer chose the absolute worst course of action in this situation. The small dog did not bite him and posed no serious threat. As a last resort, the officer could have used a non-lethal weapon such as spray or a baton, or he could have gently kicked the dog aside. It was ignorant and cruel to kill a family pet, particularly during a routine probation checkup where no crimes were in progress.

Too many family pets have died at the hands of trigger-happy officers. Please sign the petition to fire this officer to prevent these careless and heartbreaking acts from happening in the future.

As you know, a 300-pound police officer shot a 12-pound Jack Russell terrier named Patches who ran barking at him during a probation check. The dog's owner Cherry Shelton told him that the dog didn't bite, but the officer claimed he "feared for his life." After being shot, the dog went to the side of the house and passed away 30 minutes later. Shelton is devastated by the loss.

The probation officer chose the absolute worst course of action in this situation. The small dog did not bite him and posed no serious threat. As a last resort, the officer could have used a non-lethal weapon such as spray or a baton, or he could have gently kicked the dog aside. It was ignorant and cruel to kill a family pet, particularly during a routine probation checkup where no crimes were in progress. We believe that a person so trigger happy and careless with guns has no business being in law enforcement.

Too many family pets have died at the hands of trigger-happy officers.We respectfully urge you to fire this officer to prevent these careless and heartbreaking acts from happening in the future. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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