Fire the Uvalde police who stood around for 40 minutes while children were dying!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: Uvalde Police Department

As the horrifying story of the massacre at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, is slowly pieced together, it is abundantly clear that not only did the local police fail to do their jobs and protect the innocent, but may have stood by and enabled the killer to continue his trail of slaughter.

Witnesses and video show the police forming a cordon around the school and standing around while the shooter was on the rampage, ignoring the desperate pleas from the parents to save their kids. When the parents tried to take matters into their own hands, the police arrested at least one, tackled another, and pepper-sprayed a third parent.

They brutalized parents and did nothing to stop the shooter for FORTY MINUTES. It took a heroic off-duty Border Patrol member to charge in and finally end the killing.

Demand the town of Uvalde fire the police officers who harassed terrified parents instead of doing their jobs and stopping the shooter!

Maddeningly — yet somehow unsurprisingly — it gets even worse. The police were responsible for at least one death; a witness recounts how the cops yelled for survivors to call for help and when one did, the shooter immediately entered the room and killed them.

The police have changed their story about what happened in the school several times already, often contradicting what they said earlier, and given the police's proclivity for shamelessly lying we can assume they're trying to find a way to cover up their cowardice and incompetence.

The town of Uvalde spends 40% of their municipal budget on their police force — for this kind of response from the men and women who have supposedly sworn to "protect and serve" their communities?

Unacceptable and unforgivable.

Fire the Uvalde police who stood around for 40 minutes while children were dying!

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