Lufthansa Airlines Stop the transport of dogs, cetaceans, and trophy hunted animals.

  • av: Michael Eddy
  • mottagare: Carsten Spohr - CEO of Lufthansa Airlines.

It has been brought to my attention that Lufthansa Airlines still transports dogs ( particularly Greyhounds ) to China. We are all well aware of what this means. They also continue to transport body parts of Animals killed by trophy hunter's and Cetaceans for Marine Parks. This must, and will be stopped. If by International boycott and World Wide awareness to this despicable, greed driven behavior. Again, this must and will be stopped by whatever means necessary.

Carsten Spohr. This petition is to convince you to stop all shipping of Dogs, Cetaceans, and body parts of trophy hunted Animals. We encourage you to cease this practice immediately and urge you to follow suit with the many airlines and other shipping companies globally who have stopped this. Dogs shipped to China obviously are for their barbaric, cruel and inhumane Dog and Cat eating "festivals." Utterly insane. Marine Parks are failing and closing Worldwide for their disrespectful and cruel tactics in obtaining these beautiful beings. Trophy hunted body parts shipment only contributes to more loss of endangered species. We, again encourage you to stop these cruel and greed driven practices immediately. Thank you. Respectfully, Michael Eddy -

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