Meghan Markle is now officially engaged to marry Prince Harry. That’s wonderful! But she has long advocated for animal issues and promoting RESCSUE DOGS. Ellen Degeneris actually was the catalyst for her to adopt her first rescue lab shep mix “Bogart”. Later she adopted a beagle she named “Guy”. These are now a bonded pair of senior dogs!!! Megan has made feeble excuse about “too far to fly” regarding her decision to leave Bogart with friends in Canada. With all due respect this is Awful for a senior dog to lose his human AND his best dog buddy!!! Meghan could fly him the 8 hrs on a private plane if she wanted to. This is VERY SAD. How can she be happy walking only GUY in her new UK home without BOGART? It sets a very BAD EXAMPLE for people to see this DISREGARD for Bogarts happiness in favor of her logistics. OR we HOPE it’s not because BOGART is a mix breed dog and GUY is a purebred Beagle? The royals don’t do “Rescue “. The Queens corgis are breeder born of course. Please beg Meghan to do the right thing for BOGART and bring him to the UK!! He DESERVES to have HIS family together and not be dumped (sorry but that’s what it is) for her marriage. It happens every day at our shelters should not be part of her advocacy LEGACY. 

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