An Innocent Dog Was Shot and Needed His Leg Amputated. Justice for Dennyboy!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Clearfield County Authorities

In a shocking act of cruelty in Pennsylvania, an Australian Shepherd named Dennyboy was found along a rural road fighting to stay alive. Dennyboy was fighting to stay alive while another dog nearby him was already shot dead. After being rescued, Dennyboy endured the pain of having one of his legs amputated due to the severity of his injuries.

Sign the petition to urge Clearfield County authorities to intensify their efforts to find the perpetrator of this heinous crime!

The trauma endured by Dennyboy shows the stark reality of animal abuse. These animals experience pain, fear, and suffering just as we do. The thought of an innocent dog frightened and hurt beside his fallen friend is a reminder of the cruelty animals face at the hands of humans.

Join us in calling for a thorough investigation into this vile act of violence against Dennyboy and his companion. Sign the petition now!

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