The Cost of the Super Bowl: Over $17 Million Spent on Abusing Unhoused People

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Governor Jeff Landry, Louisiana State Police, Louisiana State Legislature

Just days before the Super Bowl, over 100 unhoused people in New Orleans were forcibly removed from their encampments under the threat of arrest and bused to a makeshift warehouse. Directed by Governor Jeff Landry, Louisiana state police took them to a cold, unsanitary facility miles away, known as the "transitional center." The warehouse, hastily prepared and lacking basic necessities like heating, cots, and blankets, cost taxpayers over $17 million. Nearly two weeks later, many residents still hadn't received their belongings, leaving them without access to medications, IDs, or clothing. These people deserve reparations for the abuse they suffered at the hands of the state.

Sign the petition to demand reparations for these unhoused people to help them build up their lives again after this traumatic event!

The treatment of these vulnerable people – particularly during a historic winter storm –was both cruel and unnecessary. The price of the warehouse, paid by Louisiana taxpayers, far exceeds the amount needed to provide stable housing for these individuals. This money could have been used to secure housing, prevent homelessness, and ensure basic protections for those most in need. Instead, it was squandered on a temporary, dangerous solution that only perpetuates the cycle of abuse.

We are calling on Governor Jeff Landry and the Louisiana state legislature to issue reparations to those who suffered in the warehouse and to ensure that no further actions like this are taken in the future. We must demand accountability for this human rights violation and ensure that the unhoused are treated with respect, dignity, and compassion moving forward.

Sign the petition to demand reparations for these mistreated individuals and call for lasting change to prevent future abuse!

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