Support Gender Equality: Keep the "Fearless Girl" Statue!

  • av: Paige D
  • mottagare: State Street Global Advisors

"Know the power of women in leadership.  SHE makes a difference."

On the eve of International Women's Day a statue was installed of a "Fearless Girl" girl standing proudly in front of Wall Street's "Charging Bull", presenting a powerful message about Women's equality on Wall Street.  

This statue is meant to draw attention to the lack of women representation in corporate boards.

According to the Institutional Shareholder Service's data, women are not represented within almost a quarter of company boards in the Russell 300.

As of now this statue is supposed to be a temporary fixture and is expected to last up to a month; however, women's equality is not a temporary issue.

As women continue to make 79 cents to every dollar a man makes, women's equality is still a very pressing issue in this country. 

The significance of Women's equality should not be limited to a day, a week, or a month.

This statue is a powerful statement and should not be removed.  The "Fearless Girl" should remain as a permanent structure to show the rest of the world that women will not back down.

We will no longer tolerate being underpaid, treated unfairly, and under-represented in society.  

Please sign in support of the "Fearless Girl" statue and ask that the statue remain as a permanent structure on Wall Street.  

Dear State Street Global Advisors,

The "Fearless Girl" statue is a powerful statement about the importance of women's equality across the nation.  I strongly urge you to keep this statue as a permanent structure on Wall Street. 

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[Your name here]

Uppdatera #27 år sedan
The "Charging Bull" sculptor says that he wants the "Fearless Girl" moved. Please share this petition on Facebook so we can keep the pressure on and make sure the statue is permanent!
Uppdatera #17 år sedan
The pressure is working! The Fearless Girl statue will stay on Wall Street through February 2018, according to Mayor DeBlasio. This is great news. Please share this petition on Facebook to increase pressure to make the statue permanent!
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