Israeli Police Attacked Palestinian Worshippers While They Were Praying. The Violence Must End!

In a recent attack, Israeli riot police injured at least 152 Palestinians who were gathered for morning prayers during the holy month of Ramadan. Videos circulating online show Israeli police firing rubber bullets, teargas and stun grenades at Palestinian worshippers, who fought back with rocks and fireworks. The attack happened when thousands were gathered for prayer at the al-Aqsa mosque, one of the holiest structures in the Islamic faith.

The United Nations and many major human rights organizations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have recognized that Palestinians are living under an oppressive Israeli system that equals to apartheid. Sign the petition to urge the Israeli government to cease attacks on Palestinians!

These attacks come at a time of escalating violence between Palestine and Israel. After four attacks by Palestinians killed 14, Israel responded with a wave of arrests and military force. As a result, at least 25 Palestinians have been killed, including an unarmed woman and a human rights lawyer. The four attacks on people in Israel appear to have been by people acting individually or with minimal support -- so why should worshippers pay for the crimes of these lone gunmen?

While opinions on Palestine and Israel can cause significant tension, it's important to give some historical context. Palestinians have been under a nearly 55-year military occupation that shows no sign of ending. According to Amnesty International, "Israeli authorities treat Palestinians as an inferior racial group who are defined by their non-Jewish, Arab status. This racial discrimination is cemented in laws which affect Palestinians across Israel." Under Israeli occupation, Palestinians are separated from their families, denied life-saving medical treatment, and have even had their land, homes and livelihoods stolen. This oppression must end. Sign the petition to urge the Israeli government to cease attacks on Palestinians and let them pray in peace!

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