Demand Congress to ban animal trophies into the U.S.

  • av: Muriel Qian
  • mottagare: The Congress. The House of Representatives. The President

Stop! Don’t! No! Please!
Thousands of years ago, there were numerous wild lives living on this planet with humans peacefully, and everything was going in the order of nature. Humans hunted the animals for meat or clothing because of the chain of life, and humans needed the animals to sacrifice in a reasonable range, so that humans could stay alive. It was all in past, people had no choice and they did not have cattle at that time, so they had to kill the wild lives for living. But with all the technologies we have nowadays, do we still need to kill, or hunt the wild lives for living? Or are we just killing for no reason? And the killings will do no good to the entire human nature, and the whole world! We will pay for whatever we do to the wild creatures, to the environment, and to the nature!
There are many reasons that cause the death of the wild lives, and most of them are not acceptable. Hunting is one of the most ridiculous reasons that cause the death of animals. Animals are not Trophies! Wild Animals should live their lives without any threats from human beings, especially when we are talking about hunting for trophies. Humans should respect the nature, because it is the nature who gives us lives, and who allows us to stay alive on this planet. Not only nature herself, we as humans, her children, should respect her other creature as well. There should be no excuse for humans to kill the wild animals, and take their lives as trophies. According to In Defense of Animals, we can learn a lot of facts about how the wild animals are killed each year. Trophy hunters kill thousands of wild animals each year, and they prefer to kill the biggest, rarest, and the most beautiful endangered animals in foreign countries, especially in Africa, such as lions, elephants, buffalos, leopards, and rhinoceros. Some hunters are willing to pay over $10,000 to get the opportunity to hunt one buffalo, and they do not care how much it cost, they just worry about their own “pride”. Why are some species are extinct? One of the reasons is killing! Because of the meaningless ambitious of the hunters, they wild animals have to lose their lives! The continuously hunting of animals will lead to one result, is the extinction of more and more species, and our later generations will most likely loose the chance to know about those species, the natural ecosystem will lose balance eventually, because it has to be maintained by every creatures on this planet. Without lions, the population of herbivore will grow faster and bigger, and they will consume more plants, then it will lead to the death of greens, and eventually, because there is not enough food for the herbivores, they will die as well.
Therefore, I’d like to demand the Congress to ban any kind of animal trophies to be transported in to the U.S., and whoever brings animal trophies into the U.S., should be arrested, and be fined over $200,000 and put in jail for at least 20 years, because animals lives also matter!
Let us imagine the world without lions, without tigers, without elephants, deer, buffaloes, zebras, giraffes…the world without all the wild animals, only humans are living on this planet. Can we survive without all of those creatures? NO! If we lose the balance of nature, we will pay for what we do, and we will cause our own extinction just like what we do to the wild animals. Stop killing! No hunting! Don’t make them suffer anymore! And please show respect to the nature, and her children! Please, if you love animal, and you wish your children to see living wild animals in the future, and if you care about their lives, sign up for this petition, and help to stop animal trophy hunting!

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