Support Indy the Pitbull Strapped with Fireworks & Ensure Abuser Severely Punished!

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: Van Nuys Police Department and Judicial System

Please sign and share this petition to ensure that we get justice for Indy the Pitbull dog that was strapped with fireworks last Independence Day and left to die. This poor dog suffered some severe injuries; yet the abuser can be left with minor retribution unless we can get enough caring individuals to support Indy at the trial and sentencing. Otherwise this guy will walk with a slap on the wrist, only to repeat his actions again with other animals and more!!

Last fourth of July celebrations was not a total joyous occasion when a 3-year old American Staffordshire terrier dog was found abandoned and strapped with fireworks on him. The fireworks were set on fire, leaving severe injuries on his stomach, legs and paws. One of the volunteers at the Shelter Transport Animal Rescue Team (S.T.A.R.T.) that took the dog in and helped in his healing and recovery stated “It’s really hard to see an animal in this kind of pain. We saw him without the bandages. It’s horrific, it’s gory, and you can’t even imagine the pain he’s in."      

Since the actual incident, an arrest has been made and Indy has been adopted by Jenny Mandel, a veterinary technician at Westlake Village Animal Hospital. She was an avid part of her care and recovery, falling in love with him and vowing to give him all the love and attention he deserves the remainder of his life. Indy got his name because of when he was discovered, during the Independence Day holiday.

The abuser, 41 year old Carlos Duarte was captured on surveillance cameras where he was strapped with the fireworks, set ablaze and then yanking the severely injured dog from the bed of his pickup truck and dumping him by a trash can, left to die! Tips from the public after the video was publicized led to the arrest of this warped individual!

Trial and court dates are in progress to get this scumbag sentenced. In the first court hearing only 3 people showed up to support this dog, meanwhile the abuser that did this has a whole family backing them up. However, lawyers are saying that the more people that show up to support the dog, Indy, the more they believe will be done for him. We can't let this guy or persons responsible off without being severely punished for such abuse! We as people cannot let these dirt bags just walk away with a slap on the wrist. If you’re able to show up and support Indy by prosecuting the abuser(s), that would be great - Van Nuys court house!! 14400 Erwin St Mall, Van Nuys, CA 91401 Van Nuys West Courthouse. Division 112, Room 511, 5th floor set for Tuesday 6/10/14 @ 8:30 am. Those who cannot personally be there for Indy, show your support to get the scumbag(s) prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law through this petition!    

The good news is that Indy is recovering well and has a new, loving home provided by an owner who vows to smother him daily with more hugs and kisses each day than he can handle. The bad news is, if there is not enough support present for this precious animal, the scumbag(s) will literally get away with this horrendous crime, only to do it again to some other animal or more!

Please sign and share this petition to ensure that we get justice for Indy the Pitbull dog that was strapped with fireworks last Independence Day and left to die. This poor dog suffered some severe injuries; yet the abuser can be left with minor retribution unless we can get enough caring individuals to support Indy at the trial and sentencing. Otherwise this guy will walk with a slap on the wrist, only to repeat his actions again with other animals and more!!


Van Nuys Police Department and Judicial System - You need to ensure that Mr. Carlos Duarte and anyone else responsible for harming Indy the Pitbull gets severely punished for the actions of wrapping fireworks around the dog, setting them on fire and then dumping the animal by the trash in order to die! I is appalling to think that this judicial system is not considering a harsher punishment as provided by law; as if to just slap this person(s) on the wrist and say "don't do that again!" That's just it! If the sentencing is not severe enough, these types of people feel they can get away with anything and WILL do it again, for sure, putting other animals and maybe even humans! Inflict some jail time, extreme fines and community service, not to mention, banning such people from ever owning, working with or even coming near another animal for the rest of their lives.

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