Promote Domestic Animal Welfare in Liberia

    In Liberia, many domestic animals conditions are appalling and devastating. They suffer from neglect, abuse and lack of proper care. Also, dogs and cat are malicious killing for food and traditional beliefs and practice. Research has proven that the situation is visible in both urban and rural areas of the country and has reached an alarming rate and become a major threat to the survival of domestic animals and also poses serious threat to human health and wellbeing. For instant, in 2023, Animal Mirror-Liberia conducted a study in Garnerville Township, outside Monrovia, on the living conditions of pet. Findings from the study revealed startling revelations related to the inhumane treatment of pets and the consumption of dog and cat meats by some residents and health impacts on the township. In order to eliminate or alleviate animal suffering, there a need to educate the public about the basic concepts related to animal welfare and put in place a national preventative mechanisms that will ensure the wellbeing of domestic animals in Liberia.
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