Ban the Use of Horses in Bullfighting ..BAN ALL ANIMALS IN THE BULLFIGHTING SAVAGERY!!!

  • av: Sue V
This article has sickened me to the pit of my stomach!!!!!!!

Ban the Use of Horses in Bullfighting!
When these horses enter the arena, they're already trembling and covered in sweat. A blindfold covers their eyes, and Vaseline and cotton are placed in their ears and nostrils, cutting them off from their environment. A protective cape called a "peto" covers their torso, hiding old wounds. And their vocal cords have already been cut to prevent them from screaming in fear.
This is the fate of horses used in bullfighting all over the world. Often, these animals started their careers as average workhorses, serving humanity until their bodies became old and frail. At that point, they become useless to their former employers. That's when they are thrown into the ring.
Sign Seamus's petition to ban the use of horses in bullfighting!
Bullfighters, also called picadors, use horses to elevate themselves high enough above the bull to stab it in the neck. But before a bull enters the ring, its own ears are commonly stuffed with wet newspaper and its eyes are coated in Vaseline to make its sight blurry, so the animal is not sure where the pain is coming from. This often causes bulls to charge at the horses, goring the blindfolded and confused steeds.
But that doesn't mean the horror is over for these horses. After being wounded, they receive crude surgery and are forced to re-enter the arena again and again. While the bull at least receives merciful death at the end of the bullfight, the horse lives on to be gored another day.
This cruelty must end now. And you have the power to help end it. The continuation of bullfighting depends on government subsidies and the tourist industry, so sign the petition to show that the international community is united in opposing this practice!
Thank you for all that you do,
Miranda B.
The Care2 Petitions Team
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