South Africa Must Replace Trophy Hunting With Wildlife-Friendly Tourism

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: South African Department of Environment, Forestry, and Fisheries

Right now, South Africa stands at a crucial crossroads. New research shows that public opinion overwhelmingly supports a "lion protection fee" over hunting these magnificent animals for sport. The message is loud and clear: wildlife-friendly tourism is not only preferred but is also financially viable, promising to match or even exceed the millions brought in by trophy hunting.

Sign this petition to demand the South African Government prioritize wildlife-friendly tourism over trophy hunting!

By shifting to this sustainable model, South Africa can become a global leader in conservation. This move would align with international public opinion and reflect a growing awareness of the importance of ethical wildlife treatment.

We must take a stand against trophy hunting, an archaic practice that tarnishes South Africa's image and contributes to the decline of endangered species. Instead, let's embrace a model that values conservation, respects wildlife, and promotes ethical tourism.

The world is watching. We have an opportunity to set an example for ethical, sustainable tourism that safeguards our wildlife for future generations. 

Sign the petition to urge the South African Government to abandon trophy hunting and adopt a model of wildlife-friendly tourism that respects and protects our natural heritage.

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