Koalas Will Go Extinct If We Don't Stop Rampant Deforestation

It might seem unbelievable, but one of Australia's most iconic animals is now under threat of disappearing.

In fact, if things don't change, researchers say that the marsupial could go extinct within our lifetime. This previously unthinkable headline is mainly because the state governments have been far to lenient when it comes to clear-cutting in the koala's last remaining ranges.

The numbers tell a horrifying story. In Queensland for example, between 2012 and 2016, 5,000 koalas lost their lives due to habitat loss. Ninety-four percent of them died due to deforestation in the states rural areal.

And while koalas are dying everywhere in Queensland, losing ground to big box stores and skyscrapers as the threat of new developments constantly loom, the rampant destruction of the koala's habitat outside of the urban centers is by far their biggest threat.

Under Queensland's previous premier, laws that strictly regulated tree-clearing were rolled back. Now, the new premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk is considering introducing new measures that will help put an end to endless toppling of the koala's forests.

It couldn't come at a more crucial time.

Speak up and tell the Palaszczuk government that they have a duty to protect the last remaining Queensland koala populations. Sign and ask them to pass to new tree-clearing restrictions today.
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