Save the Asian Unicorn From Extinction!

  • av: Ann Ward
  • mottagare: Government of Vietnam
The gentle saola, affectionately dubbed the "Asian Unicorn," was only discovered 20 years ago. But it is quickly approaching extinction because of poachers.

The few saola placed in captivity quickly died. As a result, the Saola Reserve was implemented in 2011 to provide them a safe haven. However, poachers have still managed to nearly destroy the already tiny population. Some estimates for the Saola population are as low as one dozen!

According to Dr. Barney Long, World Wildlife’s Asian species expert, stiffer penalties to prevent poaching need to be in place as soon as possible to save the saola:  

“We applaud the efforts made to secure the habitat of this critically endangered species and hope that the required anti-poaching efforts are quickly implemented to ensure a future for this species in the province.”

Please tell the Vietnamese government to enact laws to protect these mystical animals immediately!

Attn: President-- Truong Tan Sang, Vietnam

The beauty and mystic qualities of the Saola is a rarity in today's world. Tragically, this graceful and gentle creature is in danger of becoming extinct at any moment unless the Vietnamese government acts immediately to stop Poachers.

Please enact and enforce protection policies for the Saola as soon as possible!


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