Ban Hunting Anywhere in or Near Yosemite!

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: California Department of Fish & Wildlife, California Legislators

The wildfires that burned nearly 371 square miles in and around Yosemite National Park was caused by an illegal fire by a hunter. This is just one more reason why hunting needs to be banned in Yosemite. It's bad for animals, bad for people, and bad for the health and safety of our forest.

The fire was one of the largest wildfires in California history and has cost $81 million to fight. Officials said 111 structures, including 11 homes, have been destroyed. Thousands of firefighters were called in to battle the blaze, which at one point threatened more than 4,000 structures.

Because of this act, the fire has destroyed nature's beauty for miles and many homes and buildings. Thousands of animals are now displaced and/or met their untimely deaths. The hunter put human lives in danger, the creatures of the forest and the environment. Put a stop to hunting in or near Yosemite now!

California Department of Fish and Wildlife and California Legislators,

Please enforce some stricter rules and regulations regarding hunting and such unlawful, illegal acts as this, causing such devastation. This hunter needs to be penalized to the full extent of the law and beyond for his unlawful actions. Nature's beauty, the animals that reside there and humans who enjoy the area have all been affected by his selfish decision!

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