Save the Grotto Sculpin!

  • av: Lynn Hamilton
  • mottagare: United States Fish and Wildlife Service

Perry County, Missouri has a rich ecological environment, that features the only grotto sculpins in existence anyhere in the world.

Small, two and a half inch, shy cave swimmers, these tiny fish inhabit the shallow waters of Perry County's subterrean caves which underly the county's industrial park.

Believe it or not, Perry County residents oppose listing the grotto sculpin on the Endangered Species List! Blessed with the only 4200 grotto sculpin in the world, they see the species only as a threat to their property values.

The Endangered Species Act was written specifically to protect animals like this sculpin: a small, mostly invisible fish with few human friends. The sculpin may not be the most glamorous of animals, but it deserves our protection.

Tell the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to do the right thing and list the sculpin on the Endangered Species Act!

We the undersigned support the listing of the grotto sculpin on the Endangered Species List.

The ESA was written specifically to protect animals like this sculpin, a small, mostly invisible fish with few human friends--except, notably, WildEarth Guardians who have filed suit on its behalf. The grotto sculpin appears to exist nowhere in the world except Perry, Missouri where residents seem indifferent to its plight. Clearly the sculpin is not a nuisance species. It does not raid trash cans or terrorize hikers or devour family pets or livestock. Without the tireless work of scientists, we might not even know of its existence.

However, it is a unique species and, as such, one we should treasure. Please put this animal on the Endangered Species List!

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