President Trump: Keep your check you hypocrite – Restore Park Service funding instead

Our Pro-Pollution POTUS has grabbed headlines by nearly following through on one of his pre-election pledges. He stated that if elected, he wouldn't take a salary. Instead, he has announced that his first quarter paycheck would be donated to the National Park Service to help maintain battlefield parks.

Wow - what a great guy! Who doesn't love our national parks? The informative rangers, the beautiful vistas, the historic locations.

Before we go tooo overboard thanking Kremlin Don for his generosity, you'll want to know that the Park Service is an arm of the Department of Interior. The Department of Interior will see a $1.5 billion budget cut if President Trump's budget becomes reality. That's the equivalent of a 12% budget cut for the National Park Service.

That $78,333 doesn't look that generous now, does it? It's about .005 percent of the proposed cut to Interior - and peanuts to megarich Trump himself.

Sign my petition and tell the President you see through his raging hypocrisy. Tell him to keep his check and restore the Interior Department budget instead.

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