Petition for Equal Access to Music Education

Be it resolved that we, the undersigned, agree that all Americans should work to enhance and support music education in our nation's schools. To that end, we call on the U.S. Department of Education and all American leaders to:
-Mandate that music and the other arts be part of every child's core curriculum;
-Ensure music and the other arts are included as a part of a balanced education addressing the whole child, to prepare them for the creative thinking necessary for success in the work force of the future;
-Ensure qualified music teachers and sequential curricula be recognized as the basis for providing all students with substantive education in music and the other arts;
-Ensure programs in music and the other arts provide rigorous instruction, monitor progress and performance through meaningful assessment, and take place within a structure of accountability to school officials, parents, and the community.
Be it therefore resolved that the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, also known as No Child Left Behind, not only identify music as a core subject, but also recognize music education as a mandatory component of every public education curriculum in the United States of America.
Be it resolved that we, the undersigned, agree that all Americans should work to enhance and support music education in our nation's schools. To that end, we call on the U.S. Department of Education and all American leaders to:
-Mandate that music and the other arts be part of every child's core curriculum;
-Ensure music and the other arts are included as a part of a balanced education addressing the whole child, to prepare them for the creative thinking necessary for success in the work force of the future;
-Ensure qualified music teachers and sequential curricula be recognized as the basis for providing all students with substantive education in music and the other arts;
-Ensure programs in music and the other arts provide rigorous instruction, monitor progress and performance through meaningful assessment, and take place within a structure of accountability to school officials, parents, and the community.
Be it therefore resolved that the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, also known as No Child Left Behind, not only identify music as a core subject, but also recognize music education as a mandatory component of every public education curriculum in the United States of America.
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