Stop Animal Cruelties in Australian Universities in the Name of Research

As a generation of civilized world, we most expect acts like animal cruelty from ignorant people but universities and research institute of Australia are just making us wrong. Research institutes of Australia are under fire due the inhuman use of animals in researches. Recently, the University of Melbourne was conducting a research work with the collaboration of Bionics Institute, in which they made 6 kittens deaf and killed them for further studies as well.

Similarly, Monash University during brain injury experiments made brains of 8 little monkeys dead. On the other hand, such universities are also using mice for animal studies and have made holes in chest and throat of pigs as well. Therefore, I undersigned, this petition to international animal rights’ protection authorities and UNO to ban such kind of researches in Australia. Our diplomatic sources should also be used to stop these acts of cruelties against innocent animals but I need your support in this regard.

Demetrius Giambalvo – Finance Manager at Payday Loans Online

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