They Pushed a Live Pig Off a Tower As a Publicity Stunt!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: City of Chongqing, National People's Congress
What better way to usher in the "Year of the Rat" than by tossing a pig off a bungee jumping tower?

If you are scratching your head after reading that, you aren't the only one. But that REALLY IS how representatives of the Meixin Red Wine Town - a theme park in Chongqing, China - excused their inhumane publicity stunt.

Justice for the poor helpless pig that was pushed off a bungee jumping tower.

The park wanted to advertise their new enormous bungee jumping attraction, and celebrate the new Chinese New Year. So they got the "brilliant idea" of buying a pig, harnessing it to a bungee cord, and throwing it off the structure in front of a crowd of onlookers.

Before it was even tossed off the edifice, the pig was terrified; it was squealing non-stop, but the high-pitched squeals only worsened when employees finally pushed the poor creature off the platform, and it began tumbling towards the lake below. Fortunately, the bungee cord held, and the pig survived - but only to endure a final humiliation.

After the disgusting stunt, employees sent the traumatized pig to a slaughterhouse.

The video of the should-be crime is beyond heartbreaking. It should move all of us to demand justice and better protections for animals in China where often times non-human, sentient beings are treated as inanimate objects with no feelings or agency of their own. When the government fails to uphold even the minimum standards of animal treatment, grotesque stunts like this are not only frequent but condoned and applauded.

Enough is enough. China is one of the foremost world powers and has a pivotal role on the global stage. Yet, their animal rights laws are behind some of the least developed countries on earth.

Please sign the petition and demand that officials in Chongqing, China prosecute the organizers of this vile stunt and ask China to update their animal protection laws to modern standards to give our animal friends real rights.
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