Support The Original: The Coveted

Like many in the fashion blogging world, we were confused by the recent launch of fashion site In the past week, at least half a dozen blog posts were made questioning the new site's origins. The majority of commentors on said posts seemed to be under the impression Jennine Jacob, of and founder of Independent Fashion Bloggers was behind That is false. (For more information, please see this post by Ms. Jacob.)

After legal action was taken by Ms. Jacob regarding the infringement of her trademark, lawyers for the new "" site are claiming in a letter addressed to Ms. Jacob that "no confusion can or will result between a personal blog and a website featuring interviews and insights into fashion personalities and their influence"

If you were in fact confused by the appearance of and were unable to distinguish it from without further research, or clarification from Ms. Jacob herself, please sign this petition in a show of support.

Let this be a record and testimony of exactly how many of us WERE indeed confused by the appearance of the new web site

We thank you for your support!
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