Stop the Tragedy that is Animal Cruelty!

  • av: Danielle A
  • mottagare: The Government of Canada

Animal Cruelty is a serious issue that people are not really paying attention to. Animals all over the world are being harshly treated, and not much is being done about it. By signing this petition, you are bringing awareness to this issue, and supporting my view on wanting to see stricter laws on animal cruelty, and the knowledge that harsher consequences will be taking place for a person charged with this matter. By signing this petition, you are making a difference.

Some animal cruelty statistics include:

-Every year in Canada, there are 45 000 animal cruelty complaints, however, only 1 000 charges are being given, and even fewer convictions.
-Dogs are being used for fighting, and loses, or refusals to fight can result in abandonment, torturing, being set on fire, electrocuted, shot, drowned, or beaten to death.
-For medical experimentation, animals can be burned, shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved, addicted to drugs, and brain-damaged.

Hopefully this petition will bring awareness to the Government of Canada that harsher laws and stronger convictions need to be put in place when it comes to animal cruelty. By signing this petition, you are helping make a difference, and agreeing that harsher laws need to be enforced to protect the lives of these animals. Animals have rights too, and we are not treating them like they do. They are not being granted the rights they are entitled to. I hope, with this petition, we can change that.

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