UPDATE: 2/17/17
The Judge just ruled the defendant is mentally incapable of understanding what he did! This is unacceptable. Please sign, share, and write to the targets above. This man knows what he did - he was in prison for two years for previous animal cruelty. The Judge needs to throw the book at him, not coddle him. PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE THIS THANK YOU.
Too many innocent animals die and the penalties are so low that this will continue until we can enact laws that are as strong for animal abuse as they are for humans.
Recently a beautiful 20-year-old flamingo was savagely killed at Busch Gardens in Tampa by an individual grabbing it for no reason and slamming it to the ground with such force her foot was almost severed and she had to be euthanized. Witness said he LAUGHED as a vet tech ran to cradle the gentle bird in her arms.. It was a beautiful gentle creature who was an ambassador for animals and used to enjoy dancing for people. No one taught Pinky to dance, she taught herself to get the attention of humans as she trusted humans and humans have let her down. Please don't let her down now
Now this creature is dead and the man only has a $5000 bond and he can get out with just $500. Even worse, the accused has a prior offense for killing his neighbor's dogs.
Please help us to change the laws and raise the penalties on animal cruelty and abuse. Please make sure this repeat offender is prosecuted to the highest level of our current laws
Please write to all Florida Officials. Ask for PINKY'S LAW be proposed. The person who killed Pinky is being Arraigned September 6 at 1:30 PM in Tampa. Show your voice! Use this link to find your state officials names http://www.stateofflorida.com/elected-officials.aspx
To all concerned:
We who signed this petition are aware that laws are not easily changed. However it has to start somewhere and we are asking you to be the voice for us as we are the voice for animals who cannot speak for themselves. We also ask this repeat felony offender who laughed as an animal cried in pain, be prosecuted to the fullest extent of our law. We also ask help in changing future laws to be stronger for animal abuse to stop this needless cruelty. Will you be our voice? You have the power to help will you do it? As one of the people who signed the petition said so eloquently "Those who have the power to help the powerless have a moral and ethical responsibility to use it!"
Senator Rubio, Senator Nelson, Governor Scott,Hillsborough County State Attorney,Kathy Castor, Representative Dana Young, you have the power to help the powerless, will you use it? As Nelson Mandela said, "Everything is impossible until it is done". Please help make this possible
Senator Bill Nelson.. Thank you for your quick and compassionate response and for the work that you do in Washington for animals. Thank you for taking the time to care perhaps other officials will follow your example.
Congresswoman Kathy Castor: Thank you also for your compassionate and kind email and all the work and bills you have supported in Washington for animals.
State Representative Dana Young - Thank you for your response, your reaching out to your contacts, and your concern. We appreciate it.
Senator Marco Rubio you finally replied but I'm sorry that you felt that we need to balance the need to protect animals with the need to protect business. None of the other government officials express that. I am quite disappointed in your reply. State Representative Dana young you were by far the most proactive get the most work and made it seem like you really cared about your constituents you got my vote due to listening and caring about people you represent.
We ask anyone in power to PLEASE propose a law that will make Florida the TOUGHEST STATE in the U.S.A. on animal abuse and cruelty. We respectfully request it be called "Pinky's Law" in her memory, and to save future animals and children from abusers like this.
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