Lets end Monsanto all Genetically Modified food and chemical pesticides

please sign this and share, its important as gm foods are not good for people and the enviroment , monsantos gm technology and their pesticide poisons have resulted in the loss of many bees many beautiful wildlife and plants when wildlife is affected by this then it must be having an affect on us as we are living beings too, many farmers have commited suicide due to gm crops and gm crop faliures . our planet so far has a rich diverse range of food i feel we must protect our natural food source for future generations big corporations only care about profit but i say what are these corporations going to do when their gm technology fails what then, gm food is unnatural . it is immoral that monsanto and other biotech firms profit from the death of nature i feel we as a people have a duty to bring these companies to account. but please there is a wealth of information out there of the dangers of gm foods and poison pesticides
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