Calgary Stampede: Ban Chuckwagon Races

The Calgary Stampede celebrated its 100th anniversary this killing three more horses in a chuckwagon race, spurring outrage from animal advocates and calls to ban chuckwagon races for good.

The accident that lead to the deaths happened on Thursday during the GMC Rangeland Derby when the lead horse faltered on the backstretch of the race and collapsed, taking down the three other horses and the wagon with him and causing a collision with one of the outriders.

The lead horse died on the scene, two others had to be euthanized on the track due to their injuries and a fourth will need surgery. A necropsy on the lead horse revealed the cause of death was a ruptured aortic aneurysm near the kydney.

Despite recent attempts to improve safety, it's clear that nothing can be done to ensure that horses will not continue to be injured or killed for nothing more than entertainment in the future.

Please sign the petition urging the Calgary Stampede to ban chuckwagon races for good.

As someone who is concerned with the animal welfare, I was beyond dismayed to learn that yet more horses have died at the Calgary Stampede this year.

The canned response from the Calgary Stampede and other rodeo organizers that animal welfare is a priority and that participants care deeply for their animals is beyond tired and becomes more insulting each time it's used in response to a preventable tragedy.

Society and standards for the humane treatment of animals have made incredible strides since the Stampede began 100 years ago. To continue to support these activities in light of this progress and to continue justifying it by making slight changes in safety regulations just continues to perpetuate ideas and traditions that should be left in the past.

I sincerely hope that you will ban the chuckwagon races from the Calgary Stampede once and for all.

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