Ban Cosmetic Animal Testing in the USA

  • av: Judith B.
  • mottagare: Government of the United States of America

Whatever your views on medical experiments on animals, it is genuinely controversial in that there are arguments for and against.

This does not apply to testing cosmetics on animals. There are no arguments for. The practice is simply exploitation and cruelty, sometimes terrible, for nothing more than profit and vanity.

Animals that still suffer and die in the name of a new lipstick or face cream include mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits.  

For this reason, the European Union banned cosmetic testing years ago. Its legislation was strengthened this year, banning the import of products tested on animals as well as the testing itself.  Israel banned the tests in 2007 and the imports this year.

India banned cosmetic testing in July.

The United States, far from leading the way on animal welfare, is lagging far behind.  Tell the government to get its act together and ban this utterly unnecessary barbarity.

We the undersigned ask that you follow the example of the EU, Israel and India in banning the testing of cosmetics on animals. This practice is totally unnecessary and therefore the suffering is inexcusable.

It is not acceptable that a supposedly advanced country still allows this to continue. We ask that you stand up to corporate interests and take action on this critical animal welfare issue as a matter of urgency.

Thank you for your attention.

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