
While Santorini is undeniably beautiful, it harbors a dark side that needs repair. Every day on the island, 2,000 tourists ride the backs of approximately 60 donkeys that are forced to carry tourists up 500 steep steps in the hot Mediterranean sun. The animals are denied food and water to keep them from urinating and defecating. These intelligent and complex individuals are viewed as tools to be used for profit – and they deserve better.

There is simply no need for donkeys to be exploited for rides, especially when visitors can ride Santorini's humane, breathtaking cable car instead. Greece has so much to offer with its beautiful beaches, hiking, and history – these should be prioritized instead of subjecting donkeys to such horrific conditions.

You can help these sensitive and intelligent animals today by always leaving donkey rides out of vacations and by urging everyone you know to do the same.

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