The Blue Iguanas living in the Grand Cayman Islands are endangered and need help to secure a safe land for them to live! They are special animals, and are one of the longest-living lizards ever (up to 69 years old).
While the Blue Iguana used to boast a huge community, their numbers have dwindled down to the hundreds, due to being eaten by feral animals,
and having their homes destroyed by people. Humans have been tearing down their habitat to build pastures for cattle grazing and real estate developments.
The Blue Iguanas are also special because
they help preserve the natural ecosystems in the Grand Cayman Islands. These herbivore lizards eat a wide variety of plants, fruits and flowers -- and when the plants' seeds pass through the animals' systems, they actually become stronger and germinate more rapidly. Then, the lizards disperse the seeds throughout the environment, revitalizing and maintaining the local flora and fauna.
We need to come together and protect the Blue Iguanas of the Grand Cayman Islands, as they are an essential part of balancing climate and vegetation of the habitat.
Let's save their land and their species! Sign to support!