Stop the advertising of animals as 'free to a good home' on Preloved and Gumtree

Many animals are being advertised as 'free to a good home' on sites such as Preloved and Gumtree. While some of these animals may be lucky enough to find a good home, most are put at risk of being taken by oppurtunists and used in dog fighting, dog baiting and as food for snakes and other animals. 

These trusting and loving animals are being punished and even killed so that the owners they love so much can get rid of them as quickly and easily as possible. A pet is for life, but if owners are no longer in the position to care for them they should rehome them in a safe way, where the animal's welfare is put first.

Please sign this petition to bring this matter to the attention of those in charge of Gumtree and Preloved, and demand that they put rules in place whereby live animals can not be advertised as 'free to a good home'.

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