End Federal Subsidies for States' War on Wolves

    Dear Interior Secretary Deb Haaland:

    I am writing to urge you to adopt regulations disqualifying states from receiving grants under the Pittman-Robertson Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act if they allow hunting or trapping at levels that compromise healthy populations of wildlife, including predators, particularly grey wolves. 

    Pittman-Robertson currently requires states to maintain healthy populations of all species of native wildlife, but those requirements should be enforced. Federal dollars should not subsidize states that pursue practices such as baiting and snaring of bears and wolves, "judas" wolf collaring, use of dogs to hunt predators, shooting bears and their cubs in dens, shooting wolves and pups at dens, aerial spotting/land-and-shoot, and nighttime hunting with artificial lights.

    Again, I urge you to take action that does not reward any state whose management practices are inconsistent with the national goal of naturally diverse wildlife populations and healthy predator-prey dynamics.

    Thank you.

    To learn more, see the wolf treaty, the rulemaking petition or read the press release.

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