Petition to President Machen to Keep Philosophy's Ph.D. Program 

President Bernie Machen has proposed that the University of Florida's Ph.D program in Philosophy, along with two other Arts/Letters Ph.D. programs, be eliminated in the face of the State of Florida's budget reductions. In truth, we agree with Dr. Ariew of USF when he states "I don't have all the figures, but Florida's canceling its Ph.D. in Philosophy will not result in great savings; it is a short-sighted and stupid move. Certainly it will result in a black mark for the "flagship" University in Florida." This decision is not only bad for the University of Florida, but sets a dangerous precedent that treats Philosophy programs as expendable or optional, rather than as a crucial component of any institution claiming to teach Liberal Arts. Sign this petition to show President Machen that this decision is not being taken lightly by the academic community of philosophers.
We the undersigned request that President Machen keep the structure of the Philosophy Ph.D. program at the University of Florida intact.
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