Ban the Practice of Pigeon Shooting in Oklahoma for Fun

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Oklahoma Legislature

In Tulsa, Oklahoma, there is a type of sport that involves shooting at pigeons for fun.  An animal rights group known as Showing Animals Respect and Kindness, or SHARK is in opposition of this type of activity and feel this is breaking the law.

The event was met with deep opposition last year where pigeons are thrown into the air to be shot with shotguns.  SHARK president, Steve Hindi was documented as saying "Disgust, disgust. Pity for the birds and, to some degree, pity and disgust for the people involved.” When referring to animal cruelty laws, he continues to state “Any person who shall willfully or maliciously torture, destroy or kill any animal...shall be guilty of a felony." He claims that when these birds are shot down, the wounded birds are often left to die or thrown again in the air as another target! "It's very, very inhumane, very cruel. These birds are not being eaten; these birds are being dumped as garbage afterwards.” SHARK is very concerned about this practice and you can read more on this issue at                

We are attempting to support SHARK and urge the state of Oklahoma to ban the practice of shooting these pigeons just for fun, disregarding the health and well-being of the animals.  You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.

Oklahoma Legislature – We are asking that a law be passed that will ban the shooting of pigeons as a form of fun and entertainment for humans.  These animals are killed or injured and left for dead just to amuse and entertain humans which is indeed a form of animal abuse and cruelty. 

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