stop killing cats and dogs in shelters in California

It is time for our country to take responsibility for the animal abuse that occurs in most of the animal shelters. There is no need to kill so many animals when there are other options available. All shelters should offer free or low-cost spay/neuter programs. All shelters should be converted to no-kill shelters. There are many groups and individuals (once checked out thoroughly) to help take care of the animals that arrive at the shelters through no fault of their own. Let's all come together and end and close/convert all kill shelters in the United States.

To The Govenor of the State of California,

The people of the state of California do not want the healthy dogs and cats in the Shelters in the state of California killed for no reason but not enough room. There are other means and step to take instead of killing these animals. This is a shameful and unethical means of dealing with this issue. It is time that you changed the laws. It is time for our country to take responsibility for the animal abuse that occurs in most of the animal shelters. There is no need to kill so many animals when there are other options available. All shelters should offer free or low-cost spay/neuter programs. All shelters should be converted to no-kill shelters. There are many groups and individuals (once checked out thoroughly) to help take care of the animals that arrive at the shelters through no fault of their own. Let's all come together and end and close/convert all kill shelters in the United States.

Constance Franklin

9 days ago


Come on California ! There is no justifiable reason that we allow the the mass murder of abandoned cats and dogs in our city and county shelters. We the taxpayers expect California to provide humane and long term care until adopted for companion animals that have been abandoned. I have seen the way they euthanize animals, and throw them in bins as if they were trash. The absolute horror! We need to seriously enact legislation that bans backyard breeding, enforce and provide low cost spay and neutering, advocate TNR, ensure all animals sold in pet stores come from our rescues, and city, county shelters, and GENUINELY invest in our city and county shelters. We have the damn money ! Thousands upon thousands of healthy adoptable dogs and cats are killed across our state; killed because of our neglect and reprehensible apathy. Come on California ! we can do better, i know we can. Be a leader as you often have, and demonstrate to the rest of the nation, that we are a progressive and humane state, with creative and life affirming solutions for all !
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