STOP Apartment ban on "Bully Breeds"

Do you ever really wonder why there are so many pitbulls, rotties, and Dobermans all over Craigslist and overflowing the pounds? It is because sometimes the apartments we can afford to rent are dictating to us what kind of breeds we can have in our own homes that we are paying for.

I have a Staffordshire Terrier which is considered an aggressive breed by apartment insurances. This dog was 3 days away from death when we found him on Craigslist and found out the previous owners were getting rid of him due to mange and intestinal worms they didn't want to pay for. So we saved him. But now the only affordable apartments in my area are saying that we have to get rid of our dog if we want to move in! I have raised him for the last year from 8 weeks old but that doesn't matter to complexes. All that matters is that they get paid. Well, they would be getting their $300 deposit plus an extra $20.00 a month if they would have accepted him. But I am being forced to give up my first baby that loves to cuddle my pregnant belly where his sister grows. As you can see by the photo ( yes thats my baby)

We need to stop the ban on these dogs! ANY breed of dog has the potential to be aggressive. Even the apartment favorite breed of Chihuahua has the potential to bite anyone that comes near it. There is no ban on any kind of cat that you can bring into your apartment. Dogs are kept inside unless taken out to go to the restroom and on a leash so we have control of how close the animal gets to someone. Yet, cats are allowed to roam free around the apartments and can scratch or bite anyone at any point in time. You don't see dogs fighting all around the apartments but I cant count on one hand how many times I have been woken up by cats fighting and running away from each other with deep cuts and blood all over the place.

Apartments really need to stop dictating to us what kind of breeds we are allowed to save or fall in love with! Stop the overflow of "bully breeds" in the pounds and on Craigslist. Stop apartments from making us get rid of dogs we bought our children. Stop the heartbreak of getting rid of dogs we have raised from pups and possibly even saved from horrible situations. Lets make a stand for the babies we have that cant speak for or defend themselves!

Uppdatera #19 år sedan
We have had signatures come from all over the world!! Please continue to help us in the fight to keep our dog out of the pound and in our home. Help all the pits and bully breeds that flood the pounds. Spread the word!!
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