Safe streets for Shenorock

Seasonal speed bumps were installed by the lake as well as stop signs at 2 intersections after numerous discussions. The stop sign at Bridge Lane was installed after the house on that corner had repeated damage due to speeders. The signs by the lake , and the seasonal speed humps are to protect the numerous residents who walk there, the children with lemonade stands, and those folks who walk along the road with their pets or families.   Mirrors were also installed at multiple intersections to improve safety.  Many neighbors voiced support of these efforts. A small group would like to see these safety measues removed. Please sign this petition to support keeping the current measures as well as ongoing efforts to add additional safety measures such as a light on Miller and 202.  

Please note the following info. These speed humps were recommended, but the town chose another option. 

  • Road humps (or "speed humps") are rounded mounds, approximately three inches high and 10 to 12 feet long. They effectively slow down traffic to 15-20 mph without making drivers uncomfortable. For optimum speed reduction, road humps need to be placed at frequent, designated intervals based on the street's dimensions, to minimize the tendency to accelerate between them. (Humps are not to be confused with the speed bumps, which are usually at least 5-6" high and less than three feet long.)   Please watch presentation beginning at 1:00

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