Demand an End to the Targeted Individual Unacknowledged Special Access Program

MKULTRA never died. It only morphed into the highly illegal Targeted Individual Program. Peppered with Stasi/Police State tactics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Fusion Centers throughout the nation, United States' intelligence agencies maintain a highly illegal human experimentation program that includes, among others: stalking, harassment, PsyOps, warrantless searches, illegal surveillance, FISA abuses, and Directed Energy Weapons torture that causes pain and countless illnesses on its victims including Havana Syndrome.
The Targeted Individual Program is responsible for heinous crimes against humanity perpetrated in the homeland and abroad in over 60 countries.
The human experimentation roster of this criminal program covertly maintained by the intelligence agencies is contained in two secret categories of the Terrorist Screening Database administered by the FBI's Terrorist Screening Center. Those categories contain the names of non-investigative subjects that do not meet the reasonable suspicion terrorist criteria, do not represent a threat to national security and are permanently nominated thereto without notice or due process of law. The proof of this is that these individuals can freely travel without being subjected to extensive scrutiny because they do not represent a threat to aviation safety.
We demand that Congress commence an investigation of the FBI's illegal practice of listing non-terrorists on two secret categories of the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB), enact legislation that specifically prohibits the inclusion of Americans and civilians that do not meet the reasonable suspicion criteria on the TSDB, and provide for the elimination of handling codes 3 and 4 of the TSDB, as well as the elimination of any copycat lists of those subcategories of non-terrorists such as the Machine-Assisted Analytic Repository System (MARS) Database.

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