Justice for Buddy

  • av: terry holt
  • mottagare: Hesperia Police Department

We are calling for a full and thorough investigation.

Justice for Buddy, shot in cold blood by police in a raid at the WRONG address again?

Why aren't these pictures on the news!!!

Buddy the 11 year old Husky lost his life to the use of lethal

force by Police, they went to the wrong house!!!

This shooting happened on 6-6-16 in Hesperia, California. These are the pictures that should be on the news!!!

Please reach out to the family on the facebook: Justice for Buddy.

Please also contact the Police Department and your Political leaders to let them know that lethal force on Our Pets in America is unacceptable!!!

R I P Buddy!!!!!

This has got to stop isn't it time that these bully's get their just deserts?

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