Demand new carbon tax/replace it with environmental protections

  • av: Michael Taylor
  • mottagare: Tony Abbott, Prime Minister of Australia

Tony Abbott has become the first leader in a warming world to repeal a price on carbon.

Repeal of laws that price and limit carbon pollution is an historic act of negligence and irresponsibility. To make it worse, the repeal passed the senate without any alternative to reduce carbon emissions.

Scientists have developed a new high-resolution climate model that shows southwestern Australia’s long-term decline in fall and winter rainfall is caused by increases in manmade greenhouse gas emissions and ozone depletion. This has revealed that climate change is worsening drought conditions in Australia.

Having a climate change denier leading a country with one of the worst per-person climate-polluting countries does not bode well for the environment.

Abbott proposes replacing the carbon tax with something he calls Direct Action, which would involve handing out billions of dollars to corporations to help them reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

So the Government’s replacement strategy, Direct Action, will fail to reduce emissions, fail to penalize the largest emitters, but rather hand them billions with the naïve idea that they will spend it reducing carbon emissions.

Mr. Abbott, it is a sad day for the global climate. How can this repeal be seen as anything else but a backward step in the fight against climate change? You speak of protecting the future for future generations, yet your actions speak louder than words. Talk is cheap Mr. Abbott. Show us that you mean what you say: that you do care for the future of Australia and future generations. We demand, at the very least some sort of incentive that will help the environment. We demand a new carbon tax or a better substitute.


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