Finally put a stop to the mass-murder of greyhounds in Ireland

“Greyhounds cry without tears – if it were different this world would have another ocean“

My name is Tara and I am a four-year old greyhound bitch that managed to survive her puppyhood and her time on the racecourses in Ireland. In my adoptive family on the continent I am loved and respected. I am treasured here since I have a big heart, a gentle, loyal disposition and a vulnerable soul. It is bestial how my brothers and sisters in Ireland are used as breeding machines, how we are robbed of all our rights and tens of thousands of us are killed as puppies. The European Parliament is firstly here for humans. I now ask all who read these lines for their vote for our maltreated breed. Do not let us continue to suffer.

For eighty years, the practices of mercenary breeders in Ireland that “produce” tens of thousands of greyhounds every year have been kept secret. British newspapers and broadcasting stations are now finally telling the true lot of those wonderful, loyal souls that trust humans but are used by their breeders and are for the most part brutally shot, drowned or beaten to death.

Greyhounds are the second-fastest mammals after the cheetah. Their speed and their character that does not allow them to fight against incredible agony have been their ruin.

Formerly reserved for the nobility they are now ruthlessly produced by the Irish racing hound industry, partly with concealed EU subsidies and are disposed of like refuse.

“Animals can’t speak up for themselves. That is why it is so important for us as human beings with a voice to protect them and stand up for them.”
Gillian Anderson…

Finally put a stop to the mass-murder of greyhounds

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