Urge Governor Cuomo to Prevent Fracking in New York State

Hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, is the process of injecting high pressured gallons of water and chemicals into shale beds,  fracturing the shale and allowing the natural gas trapped inside to be harvested. The disposal of these chemicals, which are highly toxic and many are known carcinogens, is generally precariously regulated-- resulting in unsafe conditions for workers and communites nearby. There have been many accounts of released methane leaking into fresh water sources that are in the vincinity of fracking wells, making the drinking water for communities inconsumable. 

In New York State, fracking is currently undergoing regulatory study, and if the decision to allow fracking is reached, there could be disastrous consequences. The top quarter of the Marcellus shale bed, which is where gas drilling will take place, falls beneath some of the major reservoirs of New York in the Catskills. These reservoirs provide drinking water for New York City and much of the state. If hydraulic fracturing is not safely regulated in these areas, it could mean contamination of clean drinking water for millions of people-- not to mention the environmental and health issues that will affect communities in this area.

Governor Cuomo has previously backed the decision to allow hydraulic fracturing in New York, but as of September he has requested further study on the regulations and chemical side effects.

Sign this petition to urge Cuomo to prevent gas companies from fracking in New York, or at the very least demand stricter regulations and restrictions.

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