Demand the banning of medical testing on dogs and the breeding of dogs solely for this purpose

Stop this absolutely vile and inhuman practice of breeding dogs (in this case Beagles) purely for them to be experimented on, while they are still alive and awake. A new puppy farm has been given the go ahead in Britain, where puppies are specifically bred for animal testing.

The facility will open in Grimston, near Hull, and will breed Beagles for vivisection and drug test experiments.

It will be Britain’s second facility for breeding beagles to be cut open and experimented on while still alive. The other facility is in Harlan, Cambridgeshire, which breeds around 3,000 beagles for animal testing each year.

The farm, owned by a US-firm, had previously been refused by a planning inspector but this was overturned by the government today.

Sir Eric Pickles, the previous communities secretary, had thrown out the application in January 2012 but an appeal against this decision was filed by the new communities secretary Greg Clark after he took over in May this year.

The farm is owned by Yorkshire Evergreen, which is part of US group Marshall BioResources, and is currently used for breeding genetically modified mice as well as being a transit point for imported beagle dogs.

Dogs bred for vivisection are believed to sell for £1,600 an animal, according to Sky News, making Britain’s market worth about £5 million.

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