Urge the Indonesian Government to Save the Elephants of Aceh by Protecting Elephant Migration Trails

The population of elephants in the Aceh province of Indonesia has been decreasing at an alarming rate due to poaching coupled with the increasing loss of forest areas to palm oil plantations and illegal logging, according to a report in thejarkatapost.com

The numbers of elephants in the area has fallen to almost 50 percent in the past 25 years. In previous years there were more than 1,000 elephants in Aceh alone, currently there are approximately only 500 left.

A representative of WWF Indonesia said in the report: "A great amount of forested area in Aceh has been converted into oil palm plantations, resulting in a smaller elephant population," they said adding that the animal had been unable to survive due to the disappearance of migration trails.

“We have to conserve nature and not disturb the elephants' migration trails. If we are able to take care of each other, there won't be any conflict between elephants and humans," they added.

WWF also, "called on the government to restrict the issuance of forest-exploitation permits for plantations to maintain the wildlife population."

The elephants of Aceh must be protected. Will you join me in urging the Indonesian Government to protect elephant migration trails and to end forest-exploitation permits for plantations to help ensure the population recovers?

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