New Zealand: Protect Vulnerable Seabirds from Commercial Fishing Now

  • av: Jessica Ramos
  • mottagare: Hon Dr Nick Smith, New Zealand's Minister for the Environment

New data reveals that New Zealand's seabirds, including some endangered and threatened species, are under attack. And commercial fishing is to blame.

Between 2013 and 2014, roughly 2,277 seabirds were killed in the jack mackerel trawl fishery, reports the New Zealand Herald National. Additionally, during the same timeframe, "there were 512 observed captures of all birds in trawl fisheries." 

New Zealand's Green Party is demanding tougher initiatives, stronger enforcement of these measures and increased accountability.

During this alarming time of global seabird decline, New Zealand is critical to seabird biodiversity as over 80 seabird species are based and breed in New Zealand's waters. Sign and share this petition urging New Zealand to impose stronger controls on the fishing industry that better protect the biodiverse seabirds.

Photo Credit: Ed Dunens

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