Stop dog fights in Macedonia

  • av:
  • mottagare: The Goverment of Macedonia
There are shocking recordings that testify dog fightings in Ohrid, Macedonia, which have been organized many years ago. They were recorded in two locations: in improvised rooms, separated from their owners and in sport terrains few miles away from the town. The worst part is that this has become some sort of tradition. Earlier, the fightings were organized in abandoned houses in the region between Ohrid and Struga, but now they do it in homes adapted for this purpose, or terrains few miles out of town. Afraid of the police, the owners often leave the dogs fighting to death, or kill them by themselves after the fight just to hide the evidence. There are informators who claim that these dogs are imported from Kosovo, Greece and Serbia, moslty pit bulls which are bought for incredible 10 000 euros. Also they can buy these dogs from Ohrid, for 2 000 euros. It's surprising how neither the police or the responsible inspectorats have no information about these awful fightings that started in Ohrid years ago.
We the undersigned need your help. Please consider this situation, dog figtings are spreading widely in Macedonia and that causes lot of damage. Have in mind that it's illegal, it's criminal and it has to be stopped. Please take measures about this terrifying situation that is disconcerting for the young population. We also appeal to the animal adopting organizations to be aware of the murderers and be careful when giving pit bulls and similar races for adoption, they might fall in traps. Thank you for your time to read our letter, we hope for a change and count on your help to track down the organizators and save the innocent animals.
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